Marine Mammals are protected by law.
It is against the Federal Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) and Washington State law to harass seals by feeding, touching or moving to the water or another location.
Please stay back from resting seals.
Harbor seals are the most common marine mammals in Puget Sound. It isn't unusual to come across a seal pup resting and warming up alone on shore along the outer coast and inland waters.
Harbor seal mothers are very shy and will not return ashore for offspring if they feel it is not safe, so always observe from a distance. NOAA recommends a minimum of 100 yards. Human disturbance can cause abandonment of newborn pups. Weaned pups need rest, too. They are on their own, alone and struggling to survive without mom's rich, high fat milk.
With only a 50% survival rate their first year, do your part to help - please, give them the space they need to rest and warm up.
Learn more about seal pups.
It is against the Federal Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) and Washington State law to harass seals by feeding, touching or moving to the water or another location.
Please stay back from resting seals.
Harbor seals are the most common marine mammals in Puget Sound. It isn't unusual to come across a seal pup resting and warming up alone on shore along the outer coast and inland waters.
Harbor seal mothers are very shy and will not return ashore for offspring if they feel it is not safe, so always observe from a distance. NOAA recommends a minimum of 100 yards. Human disturbance can cause abandonment of newborn pups. Weaned pups need rest, too. They are on their own, alone and struggling to survive without mom's rich, high fat milk.
With only a 50% survival rate their first year, do your part to help - please, give them the space they need to rest and warm up.
Learn more about seal pups.
Who do you call?
For a seal or other marine mammal on beaches in West Seattle (from Brace Point thru the Duwamish River, including Harbor Island), call:
Seal Sitters MMSN Hotline @ 206-905-SEAL (7325)
For all other beaches in Washington and Oregon, please call:
NOAA West Coast MMSN Stranding Hotline: 1-866-767-6114
If you see harassment or if an animal is in danger, call:
NOAA Office of Law Enforcement @ 1-800-853-1964
Immediately afterwards, please notify your area stranding network
For entangled marine mammals, please call:
1-877-SOS-WHALE (1-877-767-9425)
or hail the U.S. Coast Guard on VHF ch 16.
For a more information, including maps showing response areas and contact information for Washington and Oregon marine mammal stranding networks, click here.
For a seal or other marine mammal on beaches in West Seattle (from Brace Point thru the Duwamish River, including Harbor Island), call:
Seal Sitters MMSN Hotline @ 206-905-SEAL (7325)
For all other beaches in Washington and Oregon, please call:
NOAA West Coast MMSN Stranding Hotline: 1-866-767-6114
If you see harassment or if an animal is in danger, call:
NOAA Office of Law Enforcement @ 1-800-853-1964
Immediately afterwards, please notify your area stranding network
For entangled marine mammals, please call:
1-877-SOS-WHALE (1-877-767-9425)
or hail the U.S. Coast Guard on VHF ch 16.
For a more information, including maps showing response areas and contact information for Washington and Oregon marine mammal stranding networks, click here.
Why is there a seal pup alone on the beach? What are some common mistakes to avoid? Why is it important to stay back? When is harbor seal pupping season?
Learn about pups here.
Why is there a seal pup alone on the beach? What are some common mistakes to avoid? Why is it important to stay back? When is harbor seal pupping season?
Learn about pups here.
Volunteers respond to reports of marine mammals along the West Seattle shoreline. Seal Sitters' hotline handles on average 400+ calls a year.
Learn more here.
Volunteers respond to reports of marine mammals along the West Seattle shoreline. Seal Sitters' hotline handles on average 400+ calls a year.
Learn more here.
NOAA'S West Coast Marine Mammal Stranding Network is the first line of response for stranding events and ensures the safety of both animals and the public.
Learn more.
NOAA'S West Coast Marine Mammal Stranding Network is the first line of response for stranding events and ensures the safety of both animals and the public.
Learn more.
The Pacific Northwest is rich with marine life, from tiny seal pups to gigantic fin whales
For information on harbor seals, California sea lions and other species, click here.
The Pacific Northwest is rich with marine life, from tiny seal pups to gigantic fin whales
For information on harbor seals, California sea lions and other species, click here.