Seal Sitters would like to thank the following individuals and businesses for their support of our projects and/or fundraising efforts.
We would also like to extend heartfelt thanks to those of you who have made cash donations to help us continue our work protecting marine mammals along the shoreline. Since Seal Sitters receives no funding from NOAA, the State of Washington or City of Seattle, we so appreciate your financial contributions.
If you'd like to support Seal Sitters by making a donation, please click here.
Seal Sitters would like to thank the following individuals and businesses for their support of our projects and/or fundraising efforts.
We would also like to extend heartfelt thanks to those of you who have made cash donations to help us continue our work protecting marine mammals along the shoreline. Since Seal Sitters receives no funding from NOAA, the State of Washington or City of Seattle, we so appreciate your financial contributions.
If you'd like to support Seal Sitters by making a donation, please click here.

Tracy and Patrick of the West Seattle Blog for their ongoing support and excellent coverage of Seal Sitters' work. The Blog extends our educational outreach to a wide regional audience.
Patrick Robinson and the West Seattle Herald for their ongoing support and excellent coverage of Seal Sitters' work. The Herald's coverage of our educational outreach, both on the beach and at events, extends our message to a broader public.
KING 5, KOMO 4, KIRO 7 and FOX 13 for their coverage of Seal Sitters' work and extending our message of protection and the health of our waters to a broader public.
KCTS-9, public television, for their specialized reports on Seal Sitters and struggling seal pups.
Artist Uko Gorter for our fantastic logo. The design emphasizes the work we do, protecting seals and sea lions on our shores. Uko is president of the American Cetacean Society - Puget Sound Chapter and a leading scientific and natural history illustrator, specializing in marine mammal illustration. Uko has also contributed designs for Seal Sitters event banners.
Melinda and John at Gypsy Soul Productions, Seattle-based creative and video production group, for their professional work on Seal Sitters' public service announcement, "Share the Shore with Harbor Seals" outreach video, and "Harbor Seal Day" videography.
Mad Mimi Email Marketing for their generosity in helping us get out professional email-based newsletters and promotions to our current and potential volunteers. Their customer service is phenomenal.
Artist Nancy Stahl created the beautiful artwork for "Share the Shore" banners hung along Alki Beach every fall during pupping season.
Rick Norberg of Norberg Press for donating the printing and folding of our pocket size "Share the Shore" brochures.
Washington State Ferries posted our public service announcement on ferry website and displayed on-board posters during pupping season.
Since October of 2013, local businesses have graciously agreed to display one of our Coin Canisters to collect donations from their customers. To date (October 2015), this ongoing program has raised $1,585 to fund operating expenses and purchase equipment.
If you own or manage a local business that would like to join this program, please email us. Dedicated volunteers, Nicole and Eric, collect the money for Seal Sitters once a month from the participating businesses.
Thanks to the following businesses for helping Seal Sitters raise funds:
Alki Beach canister locations
Coastal Surf Boutique, El Chupacabra, Fatburger, Pegasus Pizza & Pasta, Tiffany's Hair Design, and Tully's Coffee
Alaska Junction
Easy Street Records, Elliott Bay Brewery & Pub, Husky Deli, M2S/Alki Kayak, Merryweather Books, Next to Nature, and Pegasus Book Exchange
Wild Birds Unlimited (in the 5 Corners shopping center)

Dan Campau (shown at left), Carol Baker, Phil Renfrow and the West Seattle division of Seattle Parks and Recreation. Thanks for your many years in support of Seal Sitters' activities and marine mammal response on Parks' property.
Alki Spud Fish & Chips continues to support Seal Sitters annually through a "Clam Chowder" promotion.
The promotion originated in 2013 on "Harbor Seal Day". In 2014 and 2015 this promotion occurred during the Alki Art Festival on Alki Beach in July. For every chowder sold during the promotion days, Alki Spud donated $1.00 to Seal Sitters. We are very appreciative of all the customers that bought chowder during these promotions and are so thankful for Alki Spud's support.
Numerous local businesses donated raffle prizes to make Flipper Fest, held on May 31, 2015, a great success. Thanks to everyone for your generous support.
Raffle donors included Alki Kayak, Alki Spud Fish & Chips, Baked Seattle, Bakery Nouveau, Cupcake Royale, EMP Museum, Mountain to Sound Outfitters, Marination Ma Kai, McLendon Hardware White Center, Northwest Art & Frame, Pacific Science Center, Pegasus Book Exchange, Salty's on Alki Beach, Seattle Aquarium, Seattle Sounders FC, Stuffed Cakes, Wild Birds Unlimited in Burien, and Woodland Park Zoo.
Sea Doc Society chief scientist and author Joe Gaydos donated a signed copy of The Salish Sea.
East Coast artist Denise Hughes donated a print of her bottle-cap artwork of a resting harbor seal pup, based on a photo of seal pup Shanti from Ballard. The work was displayed at the entrance to the Bathhouse and inspired bottle cap works in progress by youngsters during the event.
Additional businesses that provided cash or goods to support this event included Seattle Costco, The Home Depot West Seattle, Tully's Coffee on Alki, Westwood Village QFC , White Center Safeway, and West Seattle Thriftway.
Click here to read more about the participants who made the event a tremendous success. Huge thanks to all of you for your hard work.
Local businesses generously donated great prizes to help Seal Sitters raise money for our Year of the Seal event and to fund our on-going operating expenses, including dedicated hotline costs, webhosting fees, and stranding and educational materials. Donors included Alki Kayak, Mountain to Sound Outfitters, Phoenecia Restaurant, NW Art and Frame, Bakery Nouveau, Sunfish Seafood Restaurant and Saigon Boat Cafe.
Spud Fish and Chips, Bamboo Bar and Grill, Subway on Alki and Hotwire Coffee ran special promotions to benefit Seal Sitters.
QFC Bakery on 42nd Ave SW and Baked Seattle donated specialty cakes for the event. West Seattle Thriftway and Seattle Costco donated gift cards used for food for volunteers and exhibitors. Saigon Boat Cafe provided delicious sandwiches for hungry volunteers, too. Starbucks on Alki donated coffee to keep us going for the day.
Great prizes were donated to the winners of the children’s Art & Story contest (see post here) by The Seattle Aquarium, Woodland Park Zoo, Northwest Art and Frame, Slices on Alki, Young at Art, and MacMillan Publishing Group (Leopard and Silkie and Seal Pup Rescue).
Jim Dever of King 5's Evening Magazine, for his witty stint as Master of Ceremonies for sculpture dedication event.
Ken Workman (great-great-great-great grandson of Chief Si'ahl, aka Chief Sealth) of the Duwamish Tribe for his poignant welcoming message at sculpture dedication.
Department of Neighborhoods' Bernie Matsuno and WA State Representative Joe Fitzgibbon for respectively reading Mayor Michael McGinn and Governor Jay Inslee's "Harbor Seal Day" proclamations.
Sentinels of the Sound sculpture: Georgia Gerber, artist. Randy Hudson and Virginia Keck, assistants.
John Fulford and Turnstone Construction, for fabricating the stunning Sentinels of the Sound site within our limited budget.
Click here to read more about the participants who made Harbor Seal Day a tremendous success. Huge thanks to all of you for your hard work.
Hotwire Coffee raised funds for Seal Sitters thru the sale of a featured coffee drink.
Gina and Snooter-doots, fundraising donation.
Bakery Nouveau, Alki Mail and Dispatch, and Coastal, support of our fundraiser.
NW Art and Frame, generous donation of a presentation easel for our trainings.
Merrill Gardens/Admiral Heights for hosting our fundraiser at their beautiful facility.
Curious Kidstuff, generous donation for fundraising purposes.
Georgia Blu Children’s Boutique, generous donation for fundraising.
Bush School for collecting many hundreds of small, non-recyclable plastic bottle caps for our Flipper Fest educational outreach event. Volunteers created awesome marine-themed artwork form the bottle caps.
Madison Middle School for their generous donation of Penny Harvest Funds to help Seal Sitters defray operating expenses. The student body voted on issues in their community which were of concern to them and a roundtable committee selected non-profit groups working on solutions. Their areas of focus were helping the homeless and protecting the environment. We are honored that we were chosen as a beneficiary this year. Madison School rocks.
Elizabeth Dunn, Schmitz Park elementary teacher, and the Schmitz Park Copper Foxes Roundtable Philanthropy Committee. Children at the elementary school collected pennies in a drive to donate funds to charitable causes. A roundtable committee was selected to interview various charities and make subsequent awards. We are thrilled to say that the children selected Seal Sitters for a sizable grant award to help out the seal pups and other marine mammals of Puget Sound. The funds will defray our hotline phone costs for the next few months - each time someone calls the hotline, the kids can know they helped our wildlife. Seal Sitters was honored in a school assembly and given our award. Thanks to these amazing young philanthropists.
Thanks to all the very creative kids (and their teachers) from the far reaches of Puget Sound who have submitted such amazing art to our children's gallery. See the artwork here.